iOS and Android - A Discussion
The reason I've waited until now to discuss this is in order to wait for Apple to hold their WWDC '15 conference and for Google to hold I/O '15. Now that we've seen what is in store for both platforms we can hold a discussion with the inclusion of new features to come in the next year. Both conferences introduced some great ideas and features, some more exciting than others, but valuable non-the-less.
Apple iOS
Apple has nailed the layout of the smartphone UI, people automatically know how to use it and have come to expect other smartphone UI's to be the same. Give and iOS user an Android phone and you'll notice two things. First, they'll swipe through homescreens thinking they'll find your apps when they're actually in the app drawer. Second, if you have on-screen buttons the person will actually look for a hardware button without even thinking about it. If you swap the scenario and give an Android user a iOS device they don't have a problem using it. This doesn't mean the iOS user is by any means less intelligent, it simply means we all know how to use and iOS device almost instantly. The Android learning curve isn't as simple. Not to say that it is by any means hard, and once the user gets used to it they may find that having 3 buttons instead of 1 is better. Its just a matter of learning.
Apple App Store
The Apple App Store gets just about everything first or at the same time as the Google Play Store. From a business standpoint it makes perfect sense. Apple will get the newest apps first, the most recent example is Periscope, which recently came out for Android but has been available on iOS for quite some time. One could argue that by the time it gets to Android the experience is better and more content is available because there is already a user base making the initial experience better, but that would be a bit of a stretch. Personally, I haven't found myself wanting an app that I can't have, but that doesn't mean another person may want to consider that.
Nobody can come close to the functionality and ease of use that iMessage has provided users. I'd be lying if I said Google Hangouts was as good as iMessage. Hangouts doesn't work as seamlessly as iMessage, it could, but it doesn't. Without going into too much detail Hangouts can do everything iMessage can do, however iMessage does it better, no doubt about it. Another note to add is that Hangouts isn't the default messaging app on all Android devices and the bittersweet truth is that iMessage wins because people have to adopt it and use it. Apple had to make it that easy to use because users can't choose something else if they don't like it. I'll go into more detail regarding default apps but in short, its a double edged sword.

Google Apps
Finally, many of the app specific features in Google's own apps that help enhance Android can also be found for iOS. So there is no use switching to Android if the reasoning has anything to do with Google apps already available on Apple's App Store.
Conclusion of Part I
I outlined what I felt some of the major differentiating features on iOS are. As an Android guy this was a challenge to write because I have limited experience with iOS devices and maybe don't see all of the benefits they provide. Please ask questions below or make suggestions to this article. I would like to get a good discussion started and hopefully get some more things to add to this article. The next part will involve Android's benefits so please keep the conversation in the comments about iOS. No flame wars please, just helpful suggestions because as we all know there is no way to objectively declare a winner, so let's have a conversation about what makes it better for you the user.
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