How it Works

Why You Should Care
The reason I used Facebook Messenger as an example is because of the outrage people had with the fact that they not only were being forced to use a separate app but that it was requesting permission for phone calls, camera, and microphone amongst other things. What these angry people didn't understand was why exactly it was asking for those permissions and that it was entirely likely that the app would never actually access those permissions. These people thought that somebody was going to record them or spy on them with the camera or worse yet steal their information. Fortunately this is completely untrue, as a matter of fact Messenger would only access the microphone if you made a voice call and would only use the camera if you wanted to send a picture to your friends in chat. With Android M, Google is removing the accept all permissions requirement and allowing people to monitor that themselves. You no longer need to worry about the permissions as you will only need to grant them when the app needs them. In the long run this will give users a better understand of how these permissions work and why apps request them in the first place. This is great for developers because users don't have to trust them, they can revoke permissions at will.
My only fear is that users will not see past what they already believe and not see the correlation between the feature they are using and the permission they are granting. I can easily see someone who is not as well informed granting permission to allow access to the camera so they can take a picture then going back into permission settings and revoking it again for persistent fear that the developer has ulterior motifs. To anybody who is learning from this, when you grant permission to an app for the camera because you are using the camera, its not just a coincidence that it is just popping up at that moment. It truly is the only instance in which that app needs to use the camera, and if the developer planned to exploit that you would have been asked permission to use the camera at a time when you didn't actually need the camera. It is also worth noting that these permissions are not created by developers, they are built into Android and developers are forced to adhere to that. Thus, there is no room for masking what permissions you are granting.
My only fear is that users will not see past what they already believe and not see the correlation between the feature they are using and the permission they are granting. I can easily see someone who is not as well informed granting permission to allow access to the camera so they can take a picture then going back into permission settings and revoking it again for persistent fear that the developer has ulterior motifs. To anybody who is learning from this, when you grant permission to an app for the camera because you are using the camera, its not just a coincidence that it is just popping up at that moment. It truly is the only instance in which that app needs to use the camera, and if the developer planned to exploit that you would have been asked permission to use the camera at a time when you didn't actually need the camera. It is also worth noting that these permissions are not created by developers, they are built into Android and developers are forced to adhere to that. Thus, there is no room for masking what permissions you are granting.
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